Tomato -Lycopene
Beta-carotene - Vitamin D - Vitamin E - Riboflavin - Niacin - Vitamin B6 - folate
Vitamin C - Calcium - Iron, Sodium - Potassium - Magnesium - Zinc
good vision - The brain and nervous system - circulation Problems - Kidney Osteoporosis

Therefore, tomato is "super food"
Protects against cancer, osteoporosis, strokes and heart disease.
Tomatoes are among the vegetables we eat the most, and fortunately there is not a single reason to cut down on the intake of the tasty and nutritious berry fruit (yes, tomato actually is fruit).
Contains strong antioxidant:
In addition to the fact that tomatoes are extremely low-calorie and a great diet for those who follow a restricted food intake, research has shown that regular consumption of the vegetable/ fruit can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, high cholesterol, certain cancers (including men's prostate cancer) and heart disease.The main reason for this is the extreme content of lycopene - which is one of nature's most effective antioxidants, which gives the reddish color to the tomatoes.
Lycopene as antioxidant
Antioxidants such as lycopene, prevent byproducts of oxygen consumption in the body from damaging the cells or causing chronic diseases. This preventative measure can reduce signs of aging while helping organs function more efficiently. The lycopene performs favorably in the heart, circulatory system, gastrointestinal, nervous system, reproductive and skeletal disorders. It also plays this role within the skin, it helps to resist damage from ultraviolet rays from the sun. All these protective effects within different parts of the body help slow the aging mark in general and increase the life span.
Problems and health, related to aging, including:
The brain and nervous system decay:
Lycopene helps repair genetic material and prevents age-related degeneration of tissues in the nervous system and brain cells.
Cancer: Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects individual cells from damage that can pave the way to cancer development. The lycopene also inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Studies have found lycopene reduces the risk of breast cancer, cervix, gastrointestinal, colorectal, lung, prostate and skin cancer.
Circulation Problems:
Studies have linked lycopene with a reduced risk of high levels of bad cholesterol and clogged arteries.
Kidney disease:
Antioxidant effects of lycopene help keep the kidneys functioning regularly and prevent renal failure.
Osteoporosis: The lycopene helps ward off bone loss leading to crispness and contraction of the skeletal system.
Skin damage:
The lycopene protects the skin against damage from sunlight, which reduces the likelihood of sunburn and wrinkles as well as skin cancer.
Vision Loss:
The nutrient maintains good vision and reduces the risk of blindness and other harmful viewing conditions.
antioxidantsBeta Carotene
Vitamin C, B6, A
Sodium, potassium
Beneficial for:
Heart, circulatory
The nervous system
The skin
brain cells
The immune system
May be used for:
Høyt kolesterol
Dempe kreftutvikling
Forebygge prostatakreft
Forebygge blodpropp

The power of natural ingredients